Take control
Are you fed up with unpredictable energy costs? Is it too expensive to route power to an outside building? Do you want control of where your power is coming from? If any of these questions have been on your mind then the Ark could be for you.

The Ark
The Ark is a clever box that delivers energy to run a summer house, personal bar, workshop, office, holiday site or small living area using the power of the sun and batteries. Bring power to places where a grid connection would be prohibitively expensive or even impossible.

Proven technology
We have spent years collecting data to find out how solar power varies during UK seasons. The Ark has been designed to always be ready to supply power any time of year.

Easy to use
Our core mantra is to make things as simple and cost effective as possible to create your own self-contained world. You don’t need to be a “technical boffin” or an “eco warrior” to understand how it works, our products intelligently manage things in the background so you don’t need to worry.

Designed in Britain
We we are commited to designing and manufacturing our products in the UK.

We dislike the marketing hype and meaningless technical specifications often used by imported products. We've spent a long time making sure our products work exactly as we claim in real life situations.

To find out if the Ark is suitable for you take a look at our guide here

Customer Testimonials


"We have had the Ark installed for several months in our out-building, which, thanks to Ark, is now completely off grid. It powers the wine cooler, ice maker, water feature, internal and external lighting, and when needed battery charging for tools. And best of all, the washer/drier, as we have never used the dryer function for environmental reasons. But now guilt free fluffy towels and less ironing. Excellent product.”




"Bread cooked by the sun definitely tastes




"We used the Ark to power an epic party weekend. We charged it up for free using the solar panels then took it to the marquee where it powered music, lights, bar, cinema, the whole works! It was silent, odourless and zero carbon – miles better than a noisy old petrol generator!”



ATI Funding

Thank you to everyone at ATI, for assisting with and part funding one of our prototypes.